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3 Foods That Are High In Magnesium (Volume 1)
Can you tell for what magnesium is important inside of a human body? We know that clothes protect you externally from the elements. We know that shoes protect your feet from both the ground and the elements. But from what does magnesium p… (See More)
How to Make Curry-Spiked Tuna & Avocado Salad
When you hear the word “avocado,” what is the first thing of which you think? Millennials (Avocado toast anyone?). Now, although it is thought of as a silly negative with and/or against millennials, avocados themselves are actually truly interesting. In 1985, do… (See More)
The Amazing Benefits of Oranges (Volume 1)
Is there anyone on the planet who doesn’t love oranges? It’s just something about them resembling the sun, which symbolizes warmth and life, that makes them so loveable. And, ironically, it’s the sun itself that helps make them so darn tasty, too! But yo… (See More)
What’s The Secret to Good Health? It’s As Simple As 1, 2, 3.
Ironically the word “secret” being used in this question does not work in this context because, well, it’s not actually a secret. One of the biggest problems that people have when it comes to the subject matter of a question such as “What is the secret to good health?“ is th… (See More)
3 Foods That Are High In Vitamin K (Volume 1)
Ever heard of a cereal called Special K? Well, the K about which we’re going to speak in this short article is special in its own right, and that’s as a vitamin. See, vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in two forms. Now the first form is found in g… (See More)
The Top 3 Consumer-Rated Health Insurance Companies, and More
Just like cars, we, as humans, will all eventually stop working. Ok, maybe I came in a little too hot with that opening, but you get my point Lol. See, we can maintain our cars and keep them in peak performance condition for their age, and that’s exactly the best c… (See More)
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